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Lonely tree was growing among hot sands of dead desert...

Lonely tree was growing among hot sands of dead desert. Prickly sands covered the Wood. The Sun mercilessly burned its bark. But the Tree kept on living in spite of all.
One day a Hawk flew over the desert. The Hawk saw the Tree and sat on its branch. He looked around the desert and said:
— You are a strange Tree, why do you keep on living among these dead hot sands? Who needs it?
— You, — the Tree answered.
— Me? — the Hawk was surprised. — I don‘t need you.
— But if not me, — the Tree told, — you would have to sit on the hot sand instead of my branches. If not me, someone, seeing you sitting on the tree alone, would say that nobody needs you, too and would ask you what you live for. Sitting on my branches you, Hawk, think that I need you. The Hawk thought about it and had to agree with the Tree. If there was no Tree, the hawk would feel himself alone and useless among this vast desert.





An old man lived in the village...

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him, he was always gloomy, constantly complained and always was in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the more bile was becoming and the more poisonous were his words. People avoided him, because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnaturally and insulting to be happy next to him. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.
But one day, when he got eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone heard the rumour: “An Old Man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up”. The whole village gathered together. An old man was asked:
– What happened to you?
– Nothing special – he answered. – Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.




One day after a high tide lots of sea-stars were...

One day after a high tide lots of sea-stars were brought to the shore. They started drying up in the sun. A boy, walking down the shore started throwing the sea-stars into the sea, so that they could continue their lives.
A person came up to him and asked:
– Why are you doing this? Look around! There are millions of sea-stars; the shore is covered with them. Your attempts won’t change anything!
The boy picked up the following sea-star, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
– No, my attempt will change a lot…for this sea-star.





Two travellers went to the mountains...

Two travellers went to the mountains. When they crossed the half-way already, the beginner looked at the undergrowth and began to lament:

– And where is the beautiful scenery, which you were talking about all the time?

His experienced companion smiled and answered:

– You’re in the centre of it, what you will be convinced in, when we reach the top of the mountain.


A group of people, who died in the crash, were...

A group of people, who died in the crash, were surprised to find themselves in the world that was extremely similar to ours. It contained all conveniences and various entertainments. With a bigger surprise they found out that they were in the hell.

Those who wanted an easy life got it. Those who thirsted for money gained them. All ambitions of all varieties were satisfied. There were a lot of demons that helped them to do everything they wanted.

However, one day, known as the “day of complaints,” several residents came to reception to the senior demon and said:

– We are living a wonderful life: continuous, colourful parties, various entertainments. However, we noticed that with each passing day we become more weakened and move away from each other, and quickly lose everything that is easy to get for us.

– Well, – the demon was surprised – you are in hell, or where?


A teacher could not be called an ardent advocate of etiquette...

A teacher could not be called an ardent advocate of etiquette and good manners, but dealing with people, he always showed natural politeness and courtesy.

One evening a young student drove the teacher home and was rude to the police in the way. Justifying himself, he said:

– I want to be myself and let everyone know what I feel. Politeness is nonsense, the air shake.

– It is true, – agreed the teacher kindly, – but our car tires are filled with air and you see how it helps to soften the blows.

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